Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Gunpla Academy Ez-SR Build-off updates!

i am proud to present the current WIPs of our Gunpla Facebook group Gunpla Academy. Our Ez-SR Build-off is closing in a month and the builders are having a blast in designing and customizing this already awesome kit

Monday, January 11, 2016

Gunpla Academy's Ez-SR Build-off!

Hey there Gunpla fans! My Gunpla Facebook community, Gunpla Academy, is having an HGBF gundam Ez-SR Build-off to helpful learn more skills in modelling since a lot of us just started or want to learn modding

Friday, January 8, 2016

A New Beginning

Happy New year gundam fans! It's been 3 years since I've put some contents here in my blog.. could you believe it?! I am a full fledged doctor now and I have some time on my hands so what better way to kick start the year by posting my favorite kits (Gunpla or gundam figures)..