Monday, May 16, 2011

new projects to watch out for!!!

hey there guys!it's been a long time since I've posted again. First off, I'm so happy that in a few more views, I'd reach the 1000 view mark, and its only been less than 2 weeks! Hurrah for our Philippine mech community, go MAC! Next is I have a forbidden blue project and leg extending work so I hope to have a tutorial and a WIP for it.

So, now for my commission project, the customer told me that he has just purchased another HG 1/144 Forbidden Gundam, well, it was his second and he kinda wants to be more adventurous so he told me to customize it to make it look like a Forbidden Blue.
If you guys haven't encountered this yet, you can find this in the PS2 Gundam game entitled: Gundam Seed: Never Ending Tomorrow. This is a great game because you could see the variant suits such as the buster dagger, duel dagger, Sword Calamity (my favorite in this game, hopefully I can scratch build one), and many many more. This game was a huge part of my college life hehehe. So back to the Forbidden Blue, this was adapted for marine combat, so all the thrusters were turned into water jets with flaps. The most striking part is the "shield" because the normal Forbidden has a hexagonal shield while this has a tear drop shape with an elevated belly. The "drone" or assault form has a single horn instead of the usual V-fin the Forbidden has. He also boasts a new trident, torpedo/missile launcher and a tail which will all be scratch built. Good luck to me!

For my Tallgeese, well, I've already primed it to find the imperfections so I could fix them. I find the thrusters a bit plain so I'll modify it as soon as I can think of a way to improve it. Also, for my Char ball project, well, its still cute, hehehe. I'll be posting pics of all the things I've done lately, just been out of town for a while and my mom used the camera, so no pics yet. hehehe. Til next post! 

Thanks for reading!

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